UKIP: Another rigged vote? This Time Lies in 'INDEPENDENCE NEWS'
UKIP: Another rigged vote?
Steve Crowther: Farage sycophant
UKIP has a history of botched, some may say "corrupted" internal elections. It looks as if another one is on the way.
UKIP members are voting on whether the party stays true to its original mandate - EU withdrawal - or goes into a Pan-European Political Party (PEPP).
Eyebrows were raised when it transpired that the unnumbered ballot papers would be sorted at a private address, but now the integrity and impartiality of UKIP party chairman - sorry Executive chairman - Steve Crowther is being called into question.
The consistency of UKIP's leadership to participate in dishonesty and lies causes members to view everything they do with a jaundiced eye and for the public at large not to trust them for domestic politics where they regularly poll 2-8% only in the selected constituencies they choose to stand in!
An influential figure has suggested that Crowther misled members over the potential access to funds that UKIP would enjoy as part of a Pan-European Party.
Crowther has now admitted in an e-mail that:
"I did, inadvertently, state that 'foundation' funding had certain restrictions, where I should have said that PEP funding had those restrictions."Crowther would have know that the restrictions, which are tight, would apply to a PEP, and that the suggestions in 'Independence' magazine that UKIP could benefit from such funds domestically were nothing more than a blatant lie intended to deceive the membership.
Anyone wanting to know the rules need only read this blog and where they may be in doubt links are provided to source documents.
Why had Steve Crowther not read this blog? This blog contains more regarding PEPPs than any other single site on the internet that we have been able to locate.
Based on this alone there is surely reason to re-run the ballot from the start, and to discipline the liars.
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
#08 Middle Street, Chepstow, NP16 5ET, Monmouthshire, United Kingdoms.
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62
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