The current version being debated by UKIP!

“Should the UK Independence Party's MEPs join a European Political Party and a European Political Foundation as defined under Regulation EC 2004/2003?”

Ballot papers due with Independence magazine scheduled for Monday 18-Jul-2011.
Return before Monday 15-Aug-2011
Count 16-Aug-2011

Returning Officer Steve Allison

Party Applications to form PEPPs 30-Sep-2011

CONSIDER AESOP The Lion & The Fox:

The EU was failing and was corrupt. So they pretended to be handing out money, which was just a ruse to make the greedy come to help progress their scam, but the strings attached were binding if hard to see.
The EUroRealists also came to see the offer, but didn't join a PEPP wishing to deal with The EU from outside its political clutches.
The EU asked the EUroRealists why they didn't come in as it was so lavishly rewarded and comfortable living on bribes.
The EUroRealists replied, 'Because we can see the tracks of those going in, but they are destroyed and there are no tracks showing they survived.'

Other people's lives are lessons in how we can avoid danger: it is easy to enter the house of a powerful man, but once you are inside, it may already be too late to get out.

Friday, 27 May 2011

re: 27-Jun-2011 - UKIP PEPP Propaganda Session

re: 27-Jun-2011 - UKIP PEPP Propaganda Session


I thought this might interest folks in the West Midlands who want to hear the proven liars Mick McGough & Stuart Agnew MEP putting forward Nigel Farage's choice of money spinners - The EU has promised people who help them bring in this utterly odious scam to demean National Political Parties to strengthen The EU, extra money and perks.

Currently if The EFD loses another delegate then it is probable Nigel Farage MEP will lose his Duplex Office and his Chauffer Driven Limo. It is these sorts of bribes that are used together with more Junkets and bigger allowances that keep MEPs on The Gravy Train doing The EU's bidding.

from Derek Bennett, West Midlands RO
On Monday 27th June, UKIP in the West Midlands will be holding a hustings prior to a vote on the issue of pan European political parties.  The question, which will be put to the members of UKIP, who will be voting on this issue, will be: should UKIP join a pan European political party or not?  It is a matter all members will have to decide on.
If you are a member of UKIP and really want to learn the ins and outs of how this will affect us in UKIP, which is going to be an important for all members, it really will be in your best interests to come along to the hustings on the 27th June, listen to the cases for and against, and ask questions.  By doing this you will be certain you will be voting in accordance with your views rather than wishing you had taken more notice after.
The venue is the Great Barr Hotel, which is where the last two leadership hustings were held, and is close to junction 7 of the M6 where the M5 and M6 motorways meet.  The hustings will kick off at 7.30 pm prompt, so please be there before, you can get a drink in the bar and have a chat with fellow members if you are early.
For directions and other information about the hotel go to:  The full address is: The Great Barr Hotel, Pear Tree Drive (off the Newton Road), Great Barr, Birmingham, B43 6HS.
Please make every effort to be there, it is an important issue and you will need to be well informed.  There is no charge for the meeting, although there will be a voluntary collection to help pay for the room hire.
If you wish to know more, please call me, tel: 07813 153897, I will be pleased to help.
Derek Bennett.
Derek Bennett's boss - Mike Nattrass MEP - has resigned from the UKIP Group and no longer accepts Nigel Farage's control as leader - He now controls his own budget and staff independent of the control of Nigel Farage - hence he, Trevor Colman MEP (Same position) and Nikki Sinclaire MEP have been advertising The Petition for an EUReferendum in National Press.

Acquitting their duty of campaigning to Leave-The-EU whilst the rump of the party sqabbles like ferrets in a sack to keep their snouts in or near the troughs on the Gravy Train - accepting the EU bribes and working to help the extremists in The EFD Group.
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
#08 Middle Street, Chepstow, NP16 5ET, Monmouthshire, United Kingdoms.
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62

26-May-2011 - PEPPs Denounced By Well Known UKIPper

26-May-2011 - PEPPs Denounced By Well Known UKIPper


it would seem that UKIP is almost bereft of any support for the concept of membership of a Pan EU Political Party.

It would seem at the moment that UKIP has lost 5 of its UKIP members in their present racist, xenophobic, violently anti homosexual, anti Jewish grouping The EFD
         However I sincerely believe that the idea of UKIP joining a PEPP should be scrapped, because UKIP's objective can only be achieved through National camapaigning, and PEPP finance cannot be used for that.
PEPP finance can only be used in campaigning on EU Parliamentary business. Also much too much of UKIP's resources are already used in our MEP's very existence, and all the real grass-roots Activists get out of it is the aggravation caused by the likes of Mote, Wise, Andreason, Bannerman and their quislings.
        Ukip needs a National Leadership team here in the UK,
                         Martin Harvey.
The only trouble wuith an opinion from Martin Harvey is he talks a good position but when it comes to the crunch he is too weak to stand his ground - we have watched this time and again when meetings to make efforts to clean-up UKIP are called and Martin buckles and doesn't carry them through.

We note also that Steve Allison has stood down as the chairman of UKIP's debates.

Rob McWhirter's comment was amusing when he said why not save the money of debates and vote as Nigel Farage will ignore it anyway and will do what he wants.

Many seem to have forgotten that UKIP Conference hugely voted against the idea of PEPPs and helping The EU.

Clearly not the result Nigel Farage wanted so just like The EU he has forced UKIP to waste more of the member's money and hold the vote again!

Such dishonesty would be hard to invent - however UKIP is only following where The EU leads!
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
#08 Middle Street, Chepstow, NP16 5ET, Monmouthshire, United Kingdoms.
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

UKIP Propaganda Sessions FOR Helping The EU

UKIP Propaganda Sessions FOR Helping The EU 


Steve Allison has resigned as 'debate' chairman but the sherade will still be continuing.

All you really need to know is that Nigel Farage has decided he wants more money and wants to help The EU implement their policy demeaning National political parties and that the scam is being promoted by two individuals in UKIP who have both been proven to be liars, cheats and frauds - seeking to enrich themselves at the expense of UKIP and the Public Purse:
Mick McGough & Stuart Agnew MEP

If these odious specimens think it is a good idea then there is probably money to be made for them personally on the fiddle.

Interestingly UKIP is steadily withering, in part, because of its present association with the PEPP concept having lost 5 out of its MEPs clearly the concepts promoted by Nigel Farage and membership of the revolting and squalid extremist group he was co president of The EFD Group can not be seen as anything of a benefit except for him!
SE Region
June 4, 2pm. Lyne Hall, Lyne Lane, Chertsey, Surrey KT16 0AN. Contact Steve Harris.

South West
June 5, 2pm. Tiverton Best Western Hotel. Contact Jim Carver.

June 15, 7pm. The Counting House Pub in the City. Contact Lawrence Webb.

July 16th after Regional Rally (starts 10:30am), Debate 1:30pm. Colchester Football Club Stadium. Contact Peter Reeve

West Midlands
June 27th, 7pm for 7.30 start. Great Barr Hotel, Pear Tree Drive (off Newton Road), Great Barr, Birmingham B43 6HS. Contact Derek Bennett 07813 153 897.

Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
#08 Middle Street, Chepstow, NP16 5ET, Monmouthshire, United Kingdoms.
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62

Thursday, 12 May 2011




Here is a VERY clear warning of the need for UKIP or any other Patriotic Party representing these United Kingdoms NOT to engage in becoming part of the problem and jumping through The EU hoops!

To engage in PEPPs of any description is to aid and abet the corruption that is The EU.

Consider UKIP's position with the UKIP Group currently and shamefully functioning to enhance Farage's income and control The EFD


See also joint motion for a resolution  RC-B7-0297/2011

further to Question for Oral Answer B7‑000102/2011
pursuant to Rule 115(5) of the Rules of Procedure

on the crisis in the European fisheries sector caused by rising oil prices

Philippe de Villiers, Juozas Imbrasas
on behalf of the EFD Group

European Parliament resolution on the crisis in the European fisheries sector caused by rising oil prices
The European Parliament,
–   having regard to Commission Regulation (EC) No 69/2001 of 12 January 2001 on the application of Articles 87 and 88 of the EC Treaty to de minimis aid,
–   having regard to Commission Regulation (EC) No 875/2007 of 24 July 2007 on the application of Articles 87 and 88 of the EC Treaty to de minimis aid in the fisheries sector,
–   having regard to the Commission action plan on State aid that initiated a reform of State aid policy from 2005 to 2009,
–   having regard to Council Directive 73/238/EEC of 24 July 1973 on measures to mitigate the effects of difficulties in the supply of crude oil and petroleum products,
–   having regard to Council Directive 2009/119/EC of 14 September 2009 imposing an obligation on Member States to maintain minimum stocks of crude oil and/or petroleum products,
–   having regard to Commission Communication COM(2010)0639 entitled ‘Energy 2020 – A strategy for competitive, sustainable and secure energy’,
–   having regard to Regulation (EC) No 663/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 July 2009 establishing a programme to aid economic recovery by granting Community financial assistance to projects in the field of energy,
–   having regard to its resolution P6_TA(2008)0308 on the crisis in the fisheries sector caused by rising fuel oil prices,
–   having regard to Rules 115(5) and 110(2) of its Rules of Procedure,
A. whereas it is in the interests of the European Union to safeguard fishing activity, not just for the purposes of preserving economic activity and employment, but also for food safety purposes,
B.  whereas energy is a significant operating cost factor for the fisheries sector and fishing costs are largely determined by the price of oil,
C. whereas rising fuel prices are having an impact on fishermen’s incomes,
D. whereas the economic and financial crisis is particularly affecting industry and SMEs and is posing a threat to activity and employment in primary and secondary sectors,
E.  whereas the political crises in the Maghreb and the Middle East have pushed the price of a barrel of oil above USD 100; whereas the price is still very volatile on account of the risk of political instability in the Arab world in general,
F.  whereas the recent increase in oil prices has led to a crisis in the fisheries sector and prompted serious concerns among fishermen,
G. whereas the price of European fisheries products is established by supply and demand in the fisheries sector; whereas, given the European Union's heavy dependence on imports from third countries (60 %) to supply its internal market, producers have very little or no influence on the price level of fisheries products,
H. having regard to the difficult economic situation facing the fisheries sector, which has already been badly hit by the various vessel-scrapping plans introduced following the reduction in quotas, and to the objective of reducing the size of the Union fleet in the context of the common fisheries policy,
I    having regard to Council Directive 73/238/EEC of 24 July 1973 on measures to mitigate the effects of difficulties in the supply of crude oil and petroleum products, which sought to offset, or at least attenuate, the damaging impact of any problem, even a very short-term one, which substantially reduces supplies of crude oil and petroleum products, including the serious disruption which such a reduction might cause to economic activity in the Union,
J.   whereas the Commission authorises Member States to grant de minimis aid, provided it is transparent, to firms in the fisheries sector, up to a ceiling of EUR 30 000 over a period of three financial years,
1.  Expresses its support for EU fishermen and calls on the Commission and the Council to take measures to facilitate their activities;
2.  Calls on the Commission to raise the ceiling for de minimis aid in the fisheries sector from EUR 30 000 to EUR 60 000 per firm over a period of three financial years;
3.  Reminds the Commission and the Council of the urgent need to improve security of energy supply in the Union and to keep markets better informed and reassure consumers about the sate of oil stocks, particularly as regards availability in the event of a crisis or a shortage;
4.  Calls on the Commission to propose an action plan to assist coastal regions which have an active fisheries sector;
5.  Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the Member States, producer organisations and trawler owners.
Last updated: 11 May 2011SEE: CLICK HERE

It would be hard to make up wouldn't it - the cry has gone out from UKIP's chosen group in The EU which UKIP supports and which UKIP assists in funding to INCREASE subsidies for EU Fishermen - no doubt so that Spanish and French fishing fleets can further destroy the British fisheries and fish stocks.

More EU control of Britain's fisheries and the remaining few boats the EU permits us to use a few days a month.

Sadly that is so very UKIP - and of course who better to ask than Phillipe de Villiers - Farage dare not criticise a single member of his sordid racist, anti homosexual, anti Jewish group as the campaign for more laws, more subsidies, more EU control and deeper engagement as reformists pro EU as his divisive incompetence as a leader has shown he loses followers!

When he loses one or two more his sordid EFD Group will fall below the numbers required to suit his ambitions!

Therein is an inherent part of prostitution, even within The EU - one is forced to sleep with strange partners and perform unpleasant acts if one wishes to be paid!

Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
#08 Middle Street, Chepstow, NP16 5ET, Monmouthshire, United Kingdoms.
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62